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Holiday weight gain

On average, people gain between 10-15 lbs over the “holiday”’season. That’s frighteningly 😲 a lot and they will then set this New Years...

The Scale

Stay off of it. If you're going to weigh yourself, limit it to once a week, same day of the week, same time, same conditions. Like do it...

Lack of Sleep & Cravings

In Joanie Greggains book, Fit Happens, she talks about the connection between working late instead of sleeping. She states that lack of...

What Story is the Scale Telling You?

When you step on the scale, it's telling you the sum of all parts. It is all of you: your bones, water, muscle, fat, organs, etc...When...

How to Get Abs

You've heard the expression, "Abs are made in the kitchen." Well, abs are not actually made in the kitchen, they are revealed in the...

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