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• You are sick dieting and want to end the restrict/overeat cycle

• Find yourself constantly “falling off the wagon”

• Struggle to get results on your own

• Want to overcome negative self-talk and poor body image

• Are ready to invest in yourself in order to FINALLY reach your fitness goals in a way that doesn’t force you to sacrifice your favorite foods, social life, or happiness!

Are you ready to stop the cycle of yo-yo dieting?


Hi! Please fill out this form to start your transformation.

My custom fitness plans are designed to get you the results you're looking for in a way that allows balance and harmony to exist in your life! If you're ready to make a change in your life and to finally create some habits that you can have for life that allow you to have the body you've always wanted, then fill out this application now!

Let's make this year your transformation year!

Contact here

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"Just by switching up some of the foods I ate at different times throughout the day has allowed me to eat in a way that works for me. I'm the type of person that likes to eat more at night.
Kylie taught me how I can still do this and lose fat. Wow! I'm not scared to step on the scale anymore either, because I've learned why sometimes it doesn't show "a loss" even though I am losing fat. Everyone needs to go through her crash course. I could not recommend this more. It's life changing what you will learn."
-Melissa, GL
“Im down over 30 lbs in 13 weeks and have more energy than I've felt in a long time!”

Robin - Haslett, MI



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